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5 Days of Journaling: Day 3

Welcome back! How does it feel after journaling for two days? Do you notice anything different? Are you more aware of your thoughts? The key is to not judge yourself or compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone has their own path, just stay focused on yours :)

Day 3


Today I want you to take a few minutes to day dream about what makes you truly happy. Not fake happy, not happy that you think looks cool, but really really happy. Take your phone, put it on do not disturb, and set a timer for 3 minutes. Then close your eyes and just think about things that make you happy. They can be things you already have in your life or things that you would like to have in your life. It is important to note that having "things" will not necessarily make you happy. If you are unhappy there is probably an internal reason and that is where you want to dive deeper. Once you work on your internal struggles, your external world will follow.

Once you have done your 3 minute day dream, grab your journal and start writing. Write down all those things that make you smile. Whether it is in list form, story form, or however you want to write it! That's the beauty of having your journal! These things can be big or small, they can be tangible things or experiences. Once you have all of these things written down, ask yourself how often you experience them. When was the last time you did something on that list? When was the last time you felt that happiness that you were just thinking about?

I challenge you to actively do more of what makes you happy. Even if it's something small. Even if you have to wake up 20 minutes earlier. Add that happiness back into your life!


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