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Self Love Baby

We all go through phases. That is life. Sometimes I’m feeling like a bad bitch and other times I’m not. In those low times it is SO IMPORTANT to remind yourself of just how amazing you are.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking and obsessing over what other people think. Then I realize WTF am I doing? I overthink and wonder am I good enough? Am I doing enough? Am I doing too much? This can be applied to anything from love and relationships to work and friendships. Don’t let your worth be determined by an outside source. Whether that is another person, an amount of likes, etc.

If someone is meant to be in your life then it will be. Let’s change the narrative. Are they lucky enough to experience MY presence? I am amazing! Anyone would be so lucky to experience the love that I have to give. Let’s stop thinking “I wonder if he likes me.” “I wonder if he thinks I’m pretty.” And start thinking, “I know I am pretty.” “I know I am the BOMB with or without him.”

When you think this way, you elevate your self-worth. You must whole heartedly believe that nothing is too good for you. You must believe that you are freaking amazing and your worth does not depend on whether someone ELSE likes you. Do you like you?? That’s all that matters.

Self confidence is sexy. If any guy (or girl) that you’re talking to gets bothered by you being confident and feeling yourself then they do not deserve you! If someone chooses to leave your life then let them. If they cannot see your worth then you do not need them. The person you’re with should be hyping you the eff up! Confidence only scares insecure people. I send love and light to people that are insecure and hope one day they can love themselves.

Self love tips:

  1. Tell your self affirmations. “I am beautiful. I am worthy. I am enough!” Think about what you love about yourself. Doesn’t have to be physical but it can be!

  2. What makes you feel sexy? Do things that put you in your feminine energy.

  3. Remind yourself of how strong you are. Remind yourself that you will be good with or without them. Actually BELIEVE this. I promise, you will be okay.

  4. Think back to a time when you felt amazing and channel that energy. Do things that make you feel like badass. Lifting heavy weights? Go for it. Putting on makeup and doing your hair? Yass. Doing a slow yoga flow? Sounds great! Dancing? Do what makes you feel good!!

Don’t overthink or overanalyze. Live in the moment. What is meant to be will be, just enjoy the ride!


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