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5 Days of Journaling: Day 2

Welcome back for Day 2!

I hope you carried that sense of gratitude with you throughout the day yesterday. It is really easy to forget about what you're grateful for when something doesn't "go your way". That is why I like to journal about what I am grateful for every day. Feel free to continue writing what you are grateful for throughout these next 4 days and beyond!

Day 2

Today's topic is all about positive affirmations.

Some definitions of an affirmation are: "The assertion that something exists or is true" and "A statement that is declared to be true." Your thoughts are extremely powerful. If you believe that bad things always happen to you, they will. If you believe that you can't do something and that you are always wrong, you will be. But if you can start to change your mindset and really believe that good things will happen to you, that is what you will start to attract. The key is that you actually BELIEVE in these statements. If you just write it without a care and don't really think it is true then it is pointless. If you don't believe it 100% at first, it is okay. But the more you believe, the more it will happen :) Just being aware of your thoughts can change your mindset and your life.

When you write these positive affirmations I want you to write "I am" before each one. This is a great way to start changing your beliefs and mindset. For example, if you are a bit shy you could write "I am outgoing." Write that down and repeat it out loud to yourself over and over again. Say it throughout the day whenever you need that extra boost to be a little more outgoing. In a situation where you would normally shy away, repeat "I am outgoing" to yourself and really believe it.

Figure out some areas in your life or aspects of yourself that you'd like to work on. I usually like to write some about self love, work, personal growth, money, etc. Some examples are:

"I am worthy."

"I am confident."

"I am attracting money."

"I am choosing to see the positive in every situation."

At the beginning, I found it helpful to write each one multiple times (3-5). But you don't have to, as long as you go over it and repeat it in your head or out loud a few times. I love journaling in the morning because I feel like it really sets the tone for the day. But you can journal whenever you find time! Just make sure it has your full attention. Your positive affirmations can/will change daily. It is important to always reevaluate and figure out exactly what you want to attract. As you get more comfortable with journaling, your affirmations will become more specific and deep.

I believe in you, now it is time to start believing in yourself!

Feel free to take a photo of your affirmations and tag me on instagram @allaboutfitjess ! I would love to see them.


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